Thursday, November 09, 2006

Maggien kesä - Maggie's summer

Siskoni australianpaimenkoira Maggien kesä alkoi niittämällä mainetta ja kunniaa - pokaali ekasta agi-kisasta ja toinen PK-jäljeltä (sijoitus 1) eli tittelinä nykyisin BH JK1.

My sis' Australian Shepherd Maggie's summer started with fame and glory - a trophy from her first agility competition and another 1st prize from tracking.

Mutta, isänsä kanssa "hieman" leikittyään menikin sitten loppukesä jalka kipsattuna murtumaa potiessa.
But, rest of the summer she spent with a broken bone and a cast on her leg - after a wild playing session with daddy.


Semavi Lady said...

Ouch! Poor Maggie! Did she step in a hole while playing? I wonder how that happened!

Kiramet said...

Probably a collision of some sort: into each other, into a tree, who knows... they were engaged in a wild chase'n'play - session at our summer cottage and all of sudden Jepa just heard her cry out and found her holding her leg up.

Kiramet said...

Oh, forgot to say: She's allright now, both obedience and agility training continues.

Semavi Lady said...

Wow, springs right back and is carrying on again. Thanks for the good news. Encouraging. :)